
Source file src/go/types/stmt.go

Documentation: go/types

     1  // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // This file implements typechecking of statements.
     7  package types
     9  import (
    10  	"go/ast"
    11  	"go/constant"
    12  	"go/token"
    13  	"sort"
    14  )
    16  func (check *Checker) funcBody(decl *declInfo, name string, sig *Signature, body *ast.BlockStmt, iota constant.Value) {
    17  	if check.conf.IgnoreFuncBodies {
    18  		panic("function body not ignored")
    19  	}
    21  	if trace {
    22  		check.trace(body.Pos(), "-- %s: %s", name, sig)
    23  	}
    25  	// set function scope extent
    26  	sig.scope.pos = body.Pos()
    27  	sig.scope.end = body.End()
    29  	// save/restore current environment and set up function environment
    30  	// (and use 0 indentation at function start)
    31  	defer func(env environment, indent int) {
    32  		check.environment = env
    33  		check.indent = indent
    34  	}(check.environment, check.indent)
    35  	check.environment = environment{
    36  		decl:  decl,
    37  		scope: sig.scope,
    38  		iota:  iota,
    39  		sig:   sig,
    40  	}
    41  	check.indent = 0
    43  	check.stmtList(0, body.List)
    45  	if check.hasLabel {
    46  		check.labels(body)
    47  	}
    49  	if sig.results.Len() > 0 && !check.isTerminating(body, "") {
    50  		check.error(atPos(body.Rbrace), _MissingReturn, "missing return")
    51  	}
    53  	// spec: "Implementation restriction: A compiler may make it illegal to
    54  	// declare a variable inside a function body if the variable is never used."
    55  	check.usage(sig.scope)
    56  }
    58  func (check *Checker) usage(scope *Scope) {
    59  	var unused []*Var
    60  	for name, elem := range scope.elems {
    61  		elem = resolve(name, elem)
    62  		if v, _ := elem.(*Var); v != nil && !v.used {
    63  			unused = append(unused, v)
    64  		}
    65  	}
    66  	sort.Slice(unused, func(i, j int) bool {
    67  		return unused[i].pos < unused[j].pos
    68  	})
    69  	for _, v := range unused {
    70  		check.softErrorf(v, _UnusedVar, "%s declared but not used", v.name)
    71  	}
    73  	for _, scope := range scope.children {
    74  		// Don't go inside function literal scopes a second time;
    75  		// they are handled explicitly by funcBody.
    76  		if !scope.isFunc {
    77  			check.usage(scope)
    78  		}
    79  	}
    80  }
    82  // stmtContext is a bitset describing which
    83  // control-flow statements are permissible,
    84  // and provides additional context information
    85  // for better error messages.
    86  type stmtContext uint
    88  const (
    89  	// permissible control-flow statements
    90  	breakOk stmtContext = 1 << iota
    91  	continueOk
    92  	fallthroughOk
    94  	// additional context information
    95  	finalSwitchCase
    96  	inTypeSwitch
    97  )
    99  func (check *Checker) simpleStmt(s ast.Stmt) {
   100  	if s != nil {
   101  		check.stmt(0, s)
   102  	}
   103  }
   105  func trimTrailingEmptyStmts(list []ast.Stmt) []ast.Stmt {
   106  	for i := len(list); i > 0; i-- {
   107  		if _, ok := list[i-1].(*ast.EmptyStmt); !ok {
   108  			return list[:i]
   109  		}
   110  	}
   111  	return nil
   112  }
   114  func (check *Checker) stmtList(ctxt stmtContext, list []ast.Stmt) {
   115  	ok := ctxt&fallthroughOk != 0
   116  	inner := ctxt &^ fallthroughOk
   117  	list = trimTrailingEmptyStmts(list) // trailing empty statements are "invisible" to fallthrough analysis
   118  	for i, s := range list {
   119  		inner := inner
   120  		if ok && i+1 == len(list) {
   121  			inner |= fallthroughOk
   122  		}
   123  		check.stmt(inner, s)
   124  	}
   125  }
   127  func (check *Checker) multipleDefaults(list []ast.Stmt) {
   128  	var first ast.Stmt
   129  	for _, s := range list {
   130  		var d ast.Stmt
   131  		switch c := s.(type) {
   132  		case *ast.CaseClause:
   133  			if len(c.List) == 0 {
   134  				d = s
   135  			}
   136  		case *ast.CommClause:
   137  			if c.Comm == nil {
   138  				d = s
   139  			}
   140  		default:
   141  			check.invalidAST(s, "case/communication clause expected")
   142  		}
   143  		if d != nil {
   144  			if first != nil {
   145  				check.errorf(d, _DuplicateDefault, "multiple defaults (first at %s)", check.fset.Position(first.Pos()))
   146  			} else {
   147  				first = d
   148  			}
   149  		}
   150  	}
   151  }
   153  func (check *Checker) openScope(node ast.Node, comment string) {
   154  	scope := NewScope(check.scope, node.Pos(), node.End(), comment)
   155  	check.recordScope(node, scope)
   156  	check.scope = scope
   157  }
   159  func (check *Checker) closeScope() {
   160  	check.scope = check.scope.Parent()
   161  }
   163  func assignOp(op token.Token) token.Token {
   164  	// token_test.go verifies the token ordering this function relies on
   165  	if token.ADD_ASSIGN <= op && op <= token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN {
   166  		return op + (token.ADD - token.ADD_ASSIGN)
   167  	}
   168  	return token.ILLEGAL
   169  }
   171  func (check *Checker) suspendedCall(keyword string, call *ast.CallExpr) {
   172  	var x operand
   173  	var msg string
   174  	var code errorCode
   175  	switch check.rawExpr(&x, call, nil, false) {
   176  	case conversion:
   177  		msg = "requires function call, not conversion"
   178  		code = _InvalidDefer
   179  		if keyword == "go" {
   180  			code = _InvalidGo
   181  		}
   182  	case expression:
   183  		msg = "discards result of"
   184  		code = _UnusedResults
   185  	case statement:
   186  		return
   187  	default:
   188  		unreachable()
   189  	}
   190  	check.errorf(&x, code, "%s %s %s", keyword, msg, &x)
   191  }
   193  // goVal returns the Go value for val, or nil.
   194  func goVal(val constant.Value) any {
   195  	// val should exist, but be conservative and check
   196  	if val == nil {
   197  		return nil
   198  	}
   199  	// Match implementation restriction of other compilers.
   200  	// gc only checks duplicates for integer, floating-point
   201  	// and string values, so only create Go values for these
   202  	// types.
   203  	switch val.Kind() {
   204  	case constant.Int:
   205  		if x, ok := constant.Int64Val(val); ok {
   206  			return x
   207  		}
   208  		if x, ok := constant.Uint64Val(val); ok {
   209  			return x
   210  		}
   211  	case constant.Float:
   212  		if x, ok := constant.Float64Val(val); ok {
   213  			return x
   214  		}
   215  	case constant.String:
   216  		return constant.StringVal(val)
   217  	}
   218  	return nil
   219  }
   221  // A valueMap maps a case value (of a basic Go type) to a list of positions
   222  // where the same case value appeared, together with the corresponding case
   223  // types.
   224  // Since two case values may have the same "underlying" value but different
   225  // types we need to also check the value's types (e.g., byte(1) vs myByte(1))
   226  // when the switch expression is of interface type.
   227  type (
   228  	valueMap  map[any][]valueType // underlying Go value -> valueType
   229  	valueType struct {
   230  		pos token.Pos
   231  		typ Type
   232  	}
   233  )
   235  func (check *Checker) caseValues(x *operand, values []ast.Expr, seen valueMap) {
   236  L:
   237  	for _, e := range values {
   238  		var v operand
   239  		check.expr(&v, e)
   240  		if x.mode == invalid || v.mode == invalid {
   241  			continue L
   242  		}
   243  		check.convertUntyped(&v, x.typ)
   244  		if v.mode == invalid {
   245  			continue L
   246  		}
   247  		// Order matters: By comparing v against x, error positions are at the case values.
   248  		res := v // keep original v unchanged
   249  		check.comparison(&res, x, token.EQL, true)
   250  		if res.mode == invalid {
   251  			continue L
   252  		}
   253  		if v.mode != constant_ {
   254  			continue L // we're done
   255  		}
   256  		// look for duplicate values
   257  		if val := goVal(v.val); val != nil {
   258  			// look for duplicate types for a given value
   259  			// (quadratic algorithm, but these lists tend to be very short)
   260  			for _, vt := range seen[val] {
   261  				if Identical(v.typ, vt.typ) {
   262  					check.errorf(&v, _DuplicateCase, "duplicate case %s in expression switch", &v)
   263  					check.error(atPos(vt.pos), _DuplicateCase, "\tprevious case") // secondary error, \t indented
   264  					continue L
   265  				}
   266  			}
   267  			seen[val] = append(seen[val], valueType{v.Pos(), v.typ})
   268  		}
   269  	}
   270  }
   272  // isNil reports whether the expression e denotes the predeclared value nil.
   273  func (check *Checker) isNil(e ast.Expr) bool {
   274  	// The only way to express the nil value is by literally writing nil (possibly in parentheses).
   275  	if name, _ := unparen(e).(*ast.Ident); name != nil {
   276  		_, ok := check.lookup(name.Name).(*Nil)
   277  		return ok
   278  	}
   279  	return false
   280  }
   282  // If the type switch expression is invalid, x is nil.
   283  func (check *Checker) caseTypes(x *operand, types []ast.Expr, seen map[Type]ast.Expr) (T Type) {
   284  	var dummy operand
   285  L:
   286  	for _, e := range types {
   287  		// The spec allows the value nil instead of a type.
   288  		if check.isNil(e) {
   289  			T = nil
   290  			check.expr(&dummy, e) // run e through expr so we get the usual Info recordings
   291  		} else {
   292  			T = check.varType(e)
   293  			if T == Typ[Invalid] {
   294  				continue L
   295  			}
   296  		}
   297  		// look for duplicate types
   298  		// (quadratic algorithm, but type switches tend to be reasonably small)
   299  		for t, other := range seen {
   300  			if T == nil && t == nil || T != nil && t != nil && Identical(T, t) {
   301  				// talk about "case" rather than "type" because of nil case
   302  				Ts := "nil"
   303  				if T != nil {
   304  					Ts = TypeString(T, check.qualifier)
   305  				}
   306  				check.errorf(e, _DuplicateCase, "duplicate case %s in type switch", Ts)
   307  				check.error(other, _DuplicateCase, "\tprevious case") // secondary error, \t indented
   308  				continue L
   309  			}
   310  		}
   311  		seen[T] = e
   312  		if x != nil && T != nil {
   313  			check.typeAssertion(e, x, T, true)
   314  		}
   315  	}
   316  	return
   317  }
   319  // TODO(gri) Once we are certain that typeHash is correct in all situations, use this version of caseTypes instead.
   320  // (Currently it may be possible that different types have identical names and import paths due to ImporterFrom.)
   321  //
   322  // func (check *Checker) caseTypes(x *operand, xtyp *Interface, types []ast.Expr, seen map[string]ast.Expr) (T Type) {
   323  // 	var dummy operand
   324  // L:
   325  // 	for _, e := range types {
   326  // 		// The spec allows the value nil instead of a type.
   327  // 		var hash string
   328  // 		if check.isNil(e) {
   329  // 			check.expr(&dummy, e) // run e through expr so we get the usual Info recordings
   330  // 			T = nil
   331  // 			hash = "<nil>" // avoid collision with a type named nil
   332  // 		} else {
   333  // 			T = check.varType(e)
   334  // 			if T == Typ[Invalid] {
   335  // 				continue L
   336  // 			}
   337  // 			hash = typeHash(T, nil)
   338  // 		}
   339  // 		// look for duplicate types
   340  // 		if other := seen[hash]; other != nil {
   341  // 			// talk about "case" rather than "type" because of nil case
   342  // 			Ts := "nil"
   343  // 			if T != nil {
   344  // 				Ts = TypeString(T, check.qualifier)
   345  // 			}
   346  // 			var err error_
   347  // 			err.errorf(e, "duplicate case %s in type switch", Ts)
   348  // 			err.errorf(other, "previous case")
   349  // 			check.report(&err)
   350  // 			continue L
   351  // 		}
   352  // 		seen[hash] = e
   353  // 		if T != nil {
   354  // 			check.typeAssertion(e.Pos(), x, xtyp, T)
   355  // 		}
   356  // 	}
   357  // 	return
   358  // }
   360  // stmt typechecks statement s.
   361  func (check *Checker) stmt(ctxt stmtContext, s ast.Stmt) {
   362  	// statements must end with the same top scope as they started with
   363  	if debug {
   364  		defer func(scope *Scope) {
   365  			// don't check if code is panicking
   366  			if p := recover(); p != nil {
   367  				panic(p)
   368  			}
   369  			assert(scope == check.scope)
   370  		}(check.scope)
   371  	}
   373  	// process collected function literals before scope changes
   374  	defer check.processDelayed(len(check.delayed))
   376  	// reset context for statements of inner blocks
   377  	inner := ctxt &^ (fallthroughOk | finalSwitchCase | inTypeSwitch)
   379  	switch s := s.(type) {
   380  	case *ast.BadStmt, *ast.EmptyStmt:
   381  		// ignore
   383  	case *ast.DeclStmt:
   384  		check.declStmt(s.Decl)
   386  	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
   387  		check.hasLabel = true
   388  		check.stmt(ctxt, s.Stmt)
   390  	case *ast.ExprStmt:
   391  		// spec: "With the exception of specific built-in functions,
   392  		// function and method calls and receive operations can appear
   393  		// in statement context. Such statements may be parenthesized."
   394  		var x operand
   395  		kind := check.rawExpr(&x, s.X, nil, false)
   396  		var msg string
   397  		var code errorCode
   398  		switch x.mode {
   399  		default:
   400  			if kind == statement {
   401  				return
   402  			}
   403  			msg = "is not used"
   404  			code = _UnusedExpr
   405  		case builtin:
   406  			msg = "must be called"
   407  			code = _UncalledBuiltin
   408  		case typexpr:
   409  			msg = "is not an expression"
   410  			code = _NotAnExpr
   411  		}
   412  		check.errorf(&x, code, "%s %s", &x, msg)
   414  	case *ast.SendStmt:
   415  		var ch, val operand
   416  		check.expr(&ch, s.Chan)
   417  		check.expr(&val, s.Value)
   418  		if ch.mode == invalid || val.mode == invalid {
   419  			return
   420  		}
   421  		u := coreType(ch.typ)
   422  		if u == nil {
   423  			check.invalidOp(inNode(s, s.Arrow), _InvalidSend, "cannot send to %s: no core type", &ch)
   424  			return
   425  		}
   426  		uch, _ := u.(*Chan)
   427  		if uch == nil {
   428  			check.invalidOp(inNode(s, s.Arrow), _InvalidSend, "cannot send to non-channel %s", &ch)
   429  			return
   430  		}
   431  		if uch.dir == RecvOnly {
   432  			check.invalidOp(inNode(s, s.Arrow), _InvalidSend, "cannot send to receive-only channel %s", &ch)
   433  			return
   434  		}
   435  		check.assignment(&val, uch.elem, "send")
   437  	case *ast.IncDecStmt:
   438  		var op token.Token
   439  		switch s.Tok {
   440  		case token.INC:
   441  			op = token.ADD
   442  		case token.DEC:
   443  			op = token.SUB
   444  		default:
   445  			check.invalidAST(inNode(s, s.TokPos), "unknown inc/dec operation %s", s.Tok)
   446  			return
   447  		}
   449  		var x operand
   450  		check.expr(&x, s.X)
   451  		if x.mode == invalid {
   452  			return
   453  		}
   454  		if !allNumeric(x.typ) {
   455  			check.invalidOp(s.X, _NonNumericIncDec, "%s%s (non-numeric type %s)", s.X, s.Tok, x.typ)
   456  			return
   457  		}
   459  		Y := &ast.BasicLit{ValuePos: s.X.Pos(), Kind: token.INT, Value: "1"} // use x's position
   460  		check.binary(&x, nil, s.X, Y, op, s.TokPos)
   461  		if x.mode == invalid {
   462  			return
   463  		}
   464  		check.assignVar(s.X, &x)
   466  	case *ast.AssignStmt:
   467  		switch s.Tok {
   468  		case token.ASSIGN, token.DEFINE:
   469  			if len(s.Lhs) == 0 {
   470  				check.invalidAST(s, "missing lhs in assignment")
   471  				return
   472  			}
   473  			if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
   474  				check.shortVarDecl(inNode(s, s.TokPos), s.Lhs, s.Rhs)
   475  			} else {
   476  				// regular assignment
   477  				check.assignVars(s.Lhs, s.Rhs)
   478  			}
   480  		default:
   481  			// assignment operations
   482  			if len(s.Lhs) != 1 || len(s.Rhs) != 1 {
   483  				check.errorf(inNode(s, s.TokPos), _MultiValAssignOp, "assignment operation %s requires single-valued expressions", s.Tok)
   484  				return
   485  			}
   486  			op := assignOp(s.Tok)
   487  			if op == token.ILLEGAL {
   488  				check.invalidAST(atPos(s.TokPos), "unknown assignment operation %s", s.Tok)
   489  				return
   490  			}
   491  			var x operand
   492  			check.binary(&x, nil, s.Lhs[0], s.Rhs[0], op, s.TokPos)
   493  			if x.mode == invalid {
   494  				return
   495  			}
   496  			check.assignVar(s.Lhs[0], &x)
   497  		}
   499  	case *ast.GoStmt:
   500  		check.suspendedCall("go", s.Call)
   502  	case *ast.DeferStmt:
   503  		check.suspendedCall("defer", s.Call)
   505  	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
   506  		res := check.sig.results
   507  		// Return with implicit results allowed for function with named results.
   508  		// (If one is named, all are named.)
   509  		if len(s.Results) == 0 && res.Len() > 0 && res.vars[0].name != "" {
   510  			// spec: "Implementation restriction: A compiler may disallow an empty expression
   511  			// list in a "return" statement if a different entity (constant, type, or variable)
   512  			// with the same name as a result parameter is in scope at the place of the return."
   513  			for _, obj := range res.vars {
   514  				if alt := check.lookup(obj.name); alt != nil && alt != obj {
   515  					check.errorf(s, _OutOfScopeResult, "result parameter %s not in scope at return", obj.name)
   516  					check.errorf(alt, _OutOfScopeResult, "\tinner declaration of %s", obj)
   517  					// ok to continue
   518  				}
   519  			}
   520  		} else {
   521  			var lhs []*Var
   522  			if res.Len() > 0 {
   523  				lhs = res.vars
   524  			}
   525  			check.initVars(lhs, s.Results, s)
   526  		}
   528  	case *ast.BranchStmt:
   529  		if s.Label != nil {
   530  			check.hasLabel = true
   531  			return // checked in 2nd pass (check.labels)
   532  		}
   533  		switch s.Tok {
   534  		case token.BREAK:
   535  			if ctxt&breakOk == 0 {
   536  				check.error(s, _MisplacedBreak, "break not in for, switch, or select statement")
   537  			}
   538  		case token.CONTINUE:
   539  			if ctxt&continueOk == 0 {
   540  				check.error(s, _MisplacedContinue, "continue not in for statement")
   541  			}
   542  		case token.FALLTHROUGH:
   543  			if ctxt&fallthroughOk == 0 {
   544  				var msg string
   545  				switch {
   546  				case ctxt&finalSwitchCase != 0:
   547  					msg = "cannot fallthrough final case in switch"
   548  				case ctxt&inTypeSwitch != 0:
   549  					msg = "cannot fallthrough in type switch"
   550  				default:
   551  					msg = "fallthrough statement out of place"
   552  				}
   553  				check.error(s, _MisplacedFallthrough, msg)
   554  			}
   555  		default:
   556  			check.invalidAST(s, "branch statement: %s", s.Tok)
   557  		}
   559  	case *ast.BlockStmt:
   560  		check.openScope(s, "block")
   561  		defer check.closeScope()
   563  		check.stmtList(inner, s.List)
   565  	case *ast.IfStmt:
   566  		check.openScope(s, "if")
   567  		defer check.closeScope()
   569  		check.simpleStmt(s.Init)
   570  		var x operand
   571  		check.expr(&x, s.Cond)
   572  		if x.mode != invalid && !allBoolean(x.typ) {
   573  			check.error(s.Cond, _InvalidCond, "non-boolean condition in if statement")
   574  		}
   575  		check.stmt(inner, s.Body)
   576  		// The parser produces a correct AST but if it was modified
   577  		// elsewhere the else branch may be invalid. Check again.
   578  		switch s.Else.(type) {
   579  		case nil, *ast.BadStmt:
   580  			// valid or error already reported
   581  		case *ast.IfStmt, *ast.BlockStmt:
   582  			check.stmt(inner, s.Else)
   583  		default:
   584  			check.invalidAST(s.Else, "invalid else branch in if statement")
   585  		}
   587  	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
   588  		inner |= breakOk
   589  		check.openScope(s, "switch")
   590  		defer check.closeScope()
   592  		check.simpleStmt(s.Init)
   593  		var x operand
   594  		if s.Tag != nil {
   595  			check.expr(&x, s.Tag)
   596  			// By checking assignment of x to an invisible temporary
   597  			// (as a compiler would), we get all the relevant checks.
   598  			check.assignment(&x, nil, "switch expression")
   599  			if x.mode != invalid && !Comparable(x.typ) && !hasNil(x.typ) {
   600  				check.errorf(&x, _InvalidExprSwitch, "cannot switch on %s (%s is not comparable)", &x, x.typ)
   601  				x.mode = invalid
   602  			}
   603  		} else {
   604  			// spec: "A missing switch expression is
   605  			// equivalent to the boolean value true."
   606  			x.mode = constant_
   607  			x.typ = Typ[Bool]
   608  			x.val = constant.MakeBool(true)
   609  			x.expr = &ast.Ident{NamePos: s.Body.Lbrace, Name: "true"}
   610  		}
   612  		check.multipleDefaults(s.Body.List)
   614  		seen := make(valueMap) // map of seen case values to positions and types
   615  		for i, c := range s.Body.List {
   616  			clause, _ := c.(*ast.CaseClause)
   617  			if clause == nil {
   618  				check.invalidAST(c, "incorrect expression switch case")
   619  				continue
   620  			}
   621  			check.caseValues(&x, clause.List, seen)
   622  			check.openScope(clause, "case")
   623  			inner := inner
   624  			if i+1 < len(s.Body.List) {
   625  				inner |= fallthroughOk
   626  			} else {
   627  				inner |= finalSwitchCase
   628  			}
   629  			check.stmtList(inner, clause.Body)
   630  			check.closeScope()
   631  		}
   633  	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
   634  		inner |= breakOk | inTypeSwitch
   635  		check.openScope(s, "type switch")
   636  		defer check.closeScope()
   638  		check.simpleStmt(s.Init)
   640  		// A type switch guard must be of the form:
   641  		//
   642  		//     TypeSwitchGuard = [ identifier ":=" ] PrimaryExpr "." "(" "type" ")" .
   643  		//
   644  		// The parser is checking syntactic correctness;
   645  		// remaining syntactic errors are considered AST errors here.
   646  		// TODO(gri) better factoring of error handling (invalid ASTs)
   647  		//
   648  		var lhs *ast.Ident // lhs identifier or nil
   649  		var rhs ast.Expr
   650  		switch guard := s.Assign.(type) {
   651  		case *ast.ExprStmt:
   652  			rhs = guard.X
   653  		case *ast.AssignStmt:
   654  			if len(guard.Lhs) != 1 || guard.Tok != token.DEFINE || len(guard.Rhs) != 1 {
   655  				check.invalidAST(s, "incorrect form of type switch guard")
   656  				return
   657  			}
   659  			lhs, _ = guard.Lhs[0].(*ast.Ident)
   660  			if lhs == nil {
   661  				check.invalidAST(s, "incorrect form of type switch guard")
   662  				return
   663  			}
   665  			if lhs.Name == "_" {
   666  				// _ := x.(type) is an invalid short variable declaration
   667  				check.softErrorf(lhs, _NoNewVar, "no new variable on left side of :=")
   668  				lhs = nil // avoid declared but not used error below
   669  			} else {
   670  				check.recordDef(lhs, nil) // lhs variable is implicitly declared in each cause clause
   671  			}
   673  			rhs = guard.Rhs[0]
   675  		default:
   676  			check.invalidAST(s, "incorrect form of type switch guard")
   677  			return
   678  		}
   680  		// rhs must be of the form: expr.(type) and expr must be an ordinary interface
   681  		expr, _ := rhs.(*ast.TypeAssertExpr)
   682  		if expr == nil || expr.Type != nil {
   683  			check.invalidAST(s, "incorrect form of type switch guard")
   684  			return
   685  		}
   686  		var x operand
   687  		check.expr(&x, expr.X)
   688  		if x.mode == invalid {
   689  			return
   690  		}
   691  		// TODO(gri) we may want to permit type switches on type parameter values at some point
   692  		var sx *operand // switch expression against which cases are compared against; nil if invalid
   693  		if isTypeParam(x.typ) {
   694  			check.errorf(&x, _InvalidTypeSwitch, "cannot use type switch on type parameter value %s", &x)
   695  		} else {
   696  			if _, ok := under(x.typ).(*Interface); ok {
   697  				sx = &x
   698  			} else {
   699  				check.errorf(&x, _InvalidTypeSwitch, "%s is not an interface", &x)
   700  			}
   701  		}
   703  		check.multipleDefaults(s.Body.List)
   705  		var lhsVars []*Var              // list of implicitly declared lhs variables
   706  		seen := make(map[Type]ast.Expr) // map of seen types to positions
   707  		for _, s := range s.Body.List {
   708  			clause, _ := s.(*ast.CaseClause)
   709  			if clause == nil {
   710  				check.invalidAST(s, "incorrect type switch case")
   711  				continue
   712  			}
   713  			// Check each type in this type switch case.
   714  			T := check.caseTypes(sx, clause.List, seen)
   715  			check.openScope(clause, "case")
   716  			// If lhs exists, declare a corresponding variable in the case-local scope.
   717  			if lhs != nil {
   718  				// spec: "The TypeSwitchGuard may include a short variable declaration.
   719  				// When that form is used, the variable is declared at the beginning of
   720  				// the implicit block in each clause. In clauses with a case listing
   721  				// exactly one type, the variable has that type; otherwise, the variable
   722  				// has the type of the expression in the TypeSwitchGuard."
   723  				if len(clause.List) != 1 || T == nil {
   724  					T = x.typ
   725  				}
   726  				obj := NewVar(lhs.Pos(), check.pkg, lhs.Name, T)
   727  				scopePos := clause.Pos() + token.Pos(len("default")) // for default clause (len(List) == 0)
   728  				if n := len(clause.List); n > 0 {
   729  					scopePos = clause.List[n-1].End()
   730  				}
   731  				check.declare(check.scope, nil, obj, scopePos)
   732  				check.recordImplicit(clause, obj)
   733  				// For the "declared but not used" error, all lhs variables act as
   734  				// one; i.e., if any one of them is 'used', all of them are 'used'.
   735  				// Collect them for later analysis.
   736  				lhsVars = append(lhsVars, obj)
   737  			}
   738  			check.stmtList(inner, clause.Body)
   739  			check.closeScope()
   740  		}
   742  		// If lhs exists, we must have at least one lhs variable that was used.
   743  		if lhs != nil {
   744  			var used bool
   745  			for _, v := range lhsVars {
   746  				if v.used {
   747  					used = true
   748  				}
   749  				v.used = true // avoid usage error when checking entire function
   750  			}
   751  			if !used {
   752  				check.softErrorf(lhs, _UnusedVar, "%s declared but not used", lhs.Name)
   753  			}
   754  		}
   756  	case *ast.SelectStmt:
   757  		inner |= breakOk
   759  		check.multipleDefaults(s.Body.List)
   761  		for _, s := range s.Body.List {
   762  			clause, _ := s.(*ast.CommClause)
   763  			if clause == nil {
   764  				continue // error reported before
   765  			}
   767  			// clause.Comm must be a SendStmt, RecvStmt, or default case
   768  			valid := false
   769  			var rhs ast.Expr // rhs of RecvStmt, or nil
   770  			switch s := clause.Comm.(type) {
   771  			case nil, *ast.SendStmt:
   772  				valid = true
   773  			case *ast.AssignStmt:
   774  				if len(s.Rhs) == 1 {
   775  					rhs = s.Rhs[0]
   776  				}
   777  			case *ast.ExprStmt:
   778  				rhs = s.X
   779  			}
   781  			// if present, rhs must be a receive operation
   782  			if rhs != nil {
   783  				if x, _ := unparen(rhs).(*ast.UnaryExpr); x != nil && x.Op == token.ARROW {
   784  					valid = true
   785  				}
   786  			}
   788  			if !valid {
   789  				check.error(clause.Comm, _InvalidSelectCase, "select case must be send or receive (possibly with assignment)")
   790  				continue
   791  			}
   793  			check.openScope(s, "case")
   794  			if clause.Comm != nil {
   795  				check.stmt(inner, clause.Comm)
   796  			}
   797  			check.stmtList(inner, clause.Body)
   798  			check.closeScope()
   799  		}
   801  	case *ast.ForStmt:
   802  		inner |= breakOk | continueOk
   803  		check.openScope(s, "for")
   804  		defer check.closeScope()
   806  		check.simpleStmt(s.Init)
   807  		if s.Cond != nil {
   808  			var x operand
   809  			check.expr(&x, s.Cond)
   810  			if x.mode != invalid && !allBoolean(x.typ) {
   811  				check.error(s.Cond, _InvalidCond, "non-boolean condition in for statement")
   812  			}
   813  		}
   814  		check.simpleStmt(s.Post)
   815  		// spec: "The init statement may be a short variable
   816  		// declaration, but the post statement must not."
   817  		if s, _ := s.Post.(*ast.AssignStmt); s != nil && s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
   818  			check.softErrorf(s, _InvalidPostDecl, "cannot declare in post statement")
   819  			// Don't call useLHS here because we want to use the lhs in
   820  			// this erroneous statement so that we don't get errors about
   821  			// these lhs variables being declared but not used.
   822  			check.use(s.Lhs...) // avoid follow-up errors
   823  		}
   824  		check.stmt(inner, s.Body)
   826  	case *ast.RangeStmt:
   827  		inner |= breakOk | continueOk
   829  		// check expression to iterate over
   830  		var x operand
   831  		check.expr(&x, s.X)
   833  		// determine key/value types
   834  		var key, val Type
   835  		if x.mode != invalid {
   836  			// Ranging over a type parameter is permitted if it has a core type.
   837  			var cause string
   838  			u := coreType(x.typ)
   839  			switch t := u.(type) {
   840  			case nil:
   841  				cause = check.sprintf("%s has no core type", x.typ)
   842  			case *Chan:
   843  				if s.Value != nil {
   844  					check.softErrorf(s.Value, _InvalidIterVar, "range over %s permits only one iteration variable", &x)
   845  					// ok to continue
   846  				}
   847  				if t.dir == SendOnly {
   848  					cause = "receive from send-only channel"
   849  				}
   850  			}
   851  			key, val = rangeKeyVal(u)
   852  			if key == nil || cause != "" {
   853  				if cause == "" {
   854  					check.softErrorf(&x, _InvalidRangeExpr, "cannot range over %s", &x)
   855  				} else {
   856  					check.softErrorf(&x, _InvalidRangeExpr, "cannot range over %s (%s)", &x, cause)
   857  				}
   858  				// ok to continue
   859  			}
   860  		}
   862  		// Open the for-statement block scope now, after the range clause.
   863  		// Iteration variables declared with := need to go in this scope (was issue #51437).
   864  		check.openScope(s, "range")
   865  		defer check.closeScope()
   867  		// check assignment to/declaration of iteration variables
   868  		// (irregular assignment, cannot easily map to existing assignment checks)
   870  		// lhs expressions and initialization value (rhs) types
   871  		lhs := [2]ast.Expr{s.Key, s.Value}
   872  		rhs := [2]Type{key, val} // key, val may be nil
   874  		if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
   875  			// short variable declaration
   876  			var vars []*Var
   877  			for i, lhs := range lhs {
   878  				if lhs == nil {
   879  					continue
   880  				}
   882  				// determine lhs variable
   883  				var obj *Var
   884  				if ident, _ := lhs.(*ast.Ident); ident != nil {
   885  					// declare new variable
   886  					name := ident.Name
   887  					obj = NewVar(ident.Pos(), check.pkg, name, nil)
   888  					check.recordDef(ident, obj)
   889  					// _ variables don't count as new variables
   890  					if name != "_" {
   891  						vars = append(vars, obj)
   892  					}
   893  				} else {
   894  					check.invalidAST(lhs, "cannot declare %s", lhs)
   895  					obj = NewVar(lhs.Pos(), check.pkg, "_", nil) // dummy variable
   896  				}
   898  				// initialize lhs variable
   899  				if typ := rhs[i]; typ != nil {
   900  					x.mode = value
   901  					x.expr = lhs // we don't have a better rhs expression to use here
   902  					x.typ = typ
   903  					check.initVar(obj, &x, "range clause")
   904  				} else {
   905  					obj.typ = Typ[Invalid]
   906  					obj.used = true // don't complain about unused variable
   907  				}
   908  			}
   910  			// declare variables
   911  			if len(vars) > 0 {
   912  				scopePos := s.Body.Pos()
   913  				for _, obj := range vars {
   914  					check.declare(check.scope, nil /* recordDef already called */, obj, scopePos)
   915  				}
   916  			} else {
   917  				check.error(inNode(s, s.TokPos), _NoNewVar, "no new variables on left side of :=")
   918  			}
   919  		} else {
   920  			// ordinary assignment
   921  			for i, lhs := range lhs {
   922  				if lhs == nil {
   923  					continue
   924  				}
   925  				if typ := rhs[i]; typ != nil {
   926  					x.mode = value
   927  					x.expr = lhs // we don't have a better rhs expression to use here
   928  					x.typ = typ
   929  					check.assignVar(lhs, &x)
   930  				}
   931  			}
   932  		}
   934  		check.stmt(inner, s.Body)
   936  	default:
   937  		check.invalidAST(s, "invalid statement")
   938  	}
   939  }
   941  // rangeKeyVal returns the key and value type produced by a range clause
   942  // over an expression of type typ. If the range clause is not permitted
   943  // the results are nil.
   944  func rangeKeyVal(typ Type) (key, val Type) {
   945  	switch typ := arrayPtrDeref(typ).(type) {
   946  	case *Basic:
   947  		if isString(typ) {
   948  			return Typ[Int], universeRune // use 'rune' name
   949  		}
   950  	case *Array:
   951  		return Typ[Int], typ.elem
   952  	case *Slice:
   953  		return Typ[Int], typ.elem
   954  	case *Map:
   955  		return typ.key, typ.elem
   956  	case *Chan:
   957  		return typ.elem, Typ[Invalid]
   958  	}
   959  	return
   960  }

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