/* Translator service between a srb2kart server and json No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) API version: 0.0.1 */ // Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT. package openapi import ( "encoding/json" ) // ServerInfo struct for ServerInfo type ServerInfo struct { PacketVersion *float32 `json:"PacketVersion,omitempty"` Application *string `json:"Application,omitempty"` Version *float32 `json:"Version,omitempty"` SubVersion *float32 `json:"SubVersion,omitempty"` NumberOfPlayer *float32 `json:"NumberOfPlayer,omitempty"` MaxPlayers *float32 `json:"MaxPlayers,omitempty"` GameType *float32 `json:"GameType,omitempty"` ModifiedGame *bool `json:"ModifiedGame,omitempty"` CheatsEnabled *bool `json:"CheatsEnabled,omitempty"` KartVars *float32 `json:"KartVars,omitempty"` FileNeededNum *float32 `json:"FileNeededNum,omitempty"` Time *float32 `json:"Time,omitempty"` LevelTime *float32 `json:"LevelTime,omitempty"` ServerNameRaw *string `json:"ServerNameRaw,omitempty"` ServerName *string `json:"ServerName,omitempty"` MapName *string `json:"MapName,omitempty"` MapTitle *string `json:"MapTitle,omitempty"` MapMD5 []float32 `json:"MapMD5,omitempty"` ActNum *float32 `json:"ActNum,omitempty"` IsZone *bool `json:"IsZone,omitempty"` HttpSource *string `json:"HttpSource,omitempty"` FileNeeded []FileNeededInner `json:"FileNeeded,omitempty"` } // NewServerInfo instantiates a new ServerInfo object // This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, // and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments // will change when the set of required properties is changed func NewServerInfo() *ServerInfo { this := ServerInfo{} return &this } // NewServerInfoWithDefaults instantiates a new ServerInfo object // This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, // but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set func NewServerInfoWithDefaults() *ServerInfo { this := ServerInfo{} return &this } // GetPacketVersion returns the PacketVersion field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetPacketVersion() float32 { if o == nil || o.PacketVersion == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.PacketVersion } // GetPacketVersionOk returns a tuple with the PacketVersion field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetPacketVersionOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.PacketVersion == nil { return nil, false } return o.PacketVersion, true } // HasPacketVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasPacketVersion() bool { if o != nil && o.PacketVersion != nil { return true } return false } // SetPacketVersion gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the PacketVersion field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetPacketVersion(v float32) { o.PacketVersion = &v } // GetApplication returns the Application field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetApplication() string { if o == nil || o.Application == nil { var ret string return ret } return *o.Application } // GetApplicationOk returns a tuple with the Application field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetApplicationOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || o.Application == nil { return nil, false } return o.Application, true } // HasApplication returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasApplication() bool { if o != nil && o.Application != nil { return true } return false } // SetApplication gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Application field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetApplication(v string) { o.Application = &v } // GetVersion returns the Version field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetVersion() float32 { if o == nil || o.Version == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.Version } // GetVersionOk returns a tuple with the Version field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetVersionOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.Version == nil { return nil, false } return o.Version, true } // HasVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasVersion() bool { if o != nil && o.Version != nil { return true } return false } // SetVersion gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the Version field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetVersion(v float32) { o.Version = &v } // GetSubVersion returns the SubVersion field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetSubVersion() float32 { if o == nil || o.SubVersion == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.SubVersion } // GetSubVersionOk returns a tuple with the SubVersion field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetSubVersionOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.SubVersion == nil { return nil, false } return o.SubVersion, true } // HasSubVersion returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasSubVersion() bool { if o != nil && o.SubVersion != nil { return true } return false } // SetSubVersion gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the SubVersion field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetSubVersion(v float32) { o.SubVersion = &v } // GetNumberOfPlayer returns the NumberOfPlayer field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetNumberOfPlayer() float32 { if o == nil || o.NumberOfPlayer == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.NumberOfPlayer } // GetNumberOfPlayerOk returns a tuple with the NumberOfPlayer field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetNumberOfPlayerOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.NumberOfPlayer == nil { return nil, false } return o.NumberOfPlayer, true } // HasNumberOfPlayer returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasNumberOfPlayer() bool { if o != nil && o.NumberOfPlayer != nil { return true } return false } // SetNumberOfPlayer gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the NumberOfPlayer field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetNumberOfPlayer(v float32) { o.NumberOfPlayer = &v } // GetMaxPlayers returns the MaxPlayers field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMaxPlayers() float32 { if o == nil || o.MaxPlayers == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.MaxPlayers } // GetMaxPlayersOk returns a tuple with the MaxPlayers field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMaxPlayersOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.MaxPlayers == nil { return nil, false } return o.MaxPlayers, true } // HasMaxPlayers returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasMaxPlayers() bool { if o != nil && o.MaxPlayers != nil { return true } return false } // SetMaxPlayers gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the MaxPlayers field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetMaxPlayers(v float32) { o.MaxPlayers = &v } // GetGameType returns the GameType field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetGameType() float32 { if o == nil || o.GameType == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.GameType } // GetGameTypeOk returns a tuple with the GameType field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetGameTypeOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.GameType == nil { return nil, false } return o.GameType, true } // HasGameType returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasGameType() bool { if o != nil && o.GameType != nil { return true } return false } // SetGameType gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the GameType field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetGameType(v float32) { o.GameType = &v } // GetModifiedGame returns the ModifiedGame field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetModifiedGame() bool { if o == nil || o.ModifiedGame == nil { var ret bool return ret } return *o.ModifiedGame } // GetModifiedGameOk returns a tuple with the ModifiedGame field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetModifiedGameOk() (*bool, bool) { if o == nil || o.ModifiedGame == nil { return nil, false } return o.ModifiedGame, true } // HasModifiedGame returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasModifiedGame() bool { if o != nil && o.ModifiedGame != nil { return true } return false } // SetModifiedGame gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ModifiedGame field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetModifiedGame(v bool) { o.ModifiedGame = &v } // GetCheatsEnabled returns the CheatsEnabled field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetCheatsEnabled() bool { if o == nil || o.CheatsEnabled == nil { var ret bool return ret } return *o.CheatsEnabled } // GetCheatsEnabledOk returns a tuple with the CheatsEnabled field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetCheatsEnabledOk() (*bool, bool) { if o == nil || o.CheatsEnabled == nil { return nil, false } return o.CheatsEnabled, true } // HasCheatsEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasCheatsEnabled() bool { if o != nil && o.CheatsEnabled != nil { return true } return false } // SetCheatsEnabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the CheatsEnabled field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetCheatsEnabled(v bool) { o.CheatsEnabled = &v } // GetKartVars returns the KartVars field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetKartVars() float32 { if o == nil || o.KartVars == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.KartVars } // GetKartVarsOk returns a tuple with the KartVars field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetKartVarsOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.KartVars == nil { return nil, false } return o.KartVars, true } // HasKartVars returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasKartVars() bool { if o != nil && o.KartVars != nil { return true } return false } // SetKartVars gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the KartVars field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetKartVars(v float32) { o.KartVars = &v } // GetFileNeededNum returns the FileNeededNum field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetFileNeededNum() float32 { if o == nil || o.FileNeededNum == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.FileNeededNum } // GetFileNeededNumOk returns a tuple with the FileNeededNum field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetFileNeededNumOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.FileNeededNum == nil { return nil, false } return o.FileNeededNum, true } // HasFileNeededNum returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasFileNeededNum() bool { if o != nil && o.FileNeededNum != nil { return true } return false } // SetFileNeededNum gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the FileNeededNum field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetFileNeededNum(v float32) { o.FileNeededNum = &v } // GetTime returns the Time field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetTime() float32 { if o == nil || o.Time == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.Time } // GetTimeOk returns a tuple with the Time field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetTimeOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.Time == nil { return nil, false } return o.Time, true } // HasTime returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasTime() bool { if o != nil && o.Time != nil { return true } return false } // SetTime gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the Time field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetTime(v float32) { o.Time = &v } // GetLevelTime returns the LevelTime field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetLevelTime() float32 { if o == nil || o.LevelTime == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.LevelTime } // GetLevelTimeOk returns a tuple with the LevelTime field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetLevelTimeOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.LevelTime == nil { return nil, false } return o.LevelTime, true } // HasLevelTime returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasLevelTime() bool { if o != nil && o.LevelTime != nil { return true } return false } // SetLevelTime gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the LevelTime field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetLevelTime(v float32) { o.LevelTime = &v } // GetServerNameRaw returns the ServerNameRaw field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetServerNameRaw() string { if o == nil || o.ServerNameRaw == nil { var ret string return ret } return *o.ServerNameRaw } // GetServerNameRawOk returns a tuple with the ServerNameRaw field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetServerNameRawOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || o.ServerNameRaw == nil { return nil, false } return o.ServerNameRaw, true } // HasServerNameRaw returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasServerNameRaw() bool { if o != nil && o.ServerNameRaw != nil { return true } return false } // SetServerNameRaw gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ServerNameRaw field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetServerNameRaw(v string) { o.ServerNameRaw = &v } // GetServerName returns the ServerName field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetServerName() string { if o == nil || o.ServerName == nil { var ret string return ret } return *o.ServerName } // GetServerNameOk returns a tuple with the ServerName field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetServerNameOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || o.ServerName == nil { return nil, false } return o.ServerName, true } // HasServerName returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasServerName() bool { if o != nil && o.ServerName != nil { return true } return false } // SetServerName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ServerName field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetServerName(v string) { o.ServerName = &v } // GetMapName returns the MapName field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMapName() string { if o == nil || o.MapName == nil { var ret string return ret } return *o.MapName } // GetMapNameOk returns a tuple with the MapName field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMapNameOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || o.MapName == nil { return nil, false } return o.MapName, true } // HasMapName returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasMapName() bool { if o != nil && o.MapName != nil { return true } return false } // SetMapName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the MapName field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetMapName(v string) { o.MapName = &v } // GetMapTitle returns the MapTitle field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMapTitle() string { if o == nil || o.MapTitle == nil { var ret string return ret } return *o.MapTitle } // GetMapTitleOk returns a tuple with the MapTitle field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMapTitleOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || o.MapTitle == nil { return nil, false } return o.MapTitle, true } // HasMapTitle returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasMapTitle() bool { if o != nil && o.MapTitle != nil { return true } return false } // SetMapTitle gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the MapTitle field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetMapTitle(v string) { o.MapTitle = &v } // GetMapMD5 returns the MapMD5 field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMapMD5() []float32 { if o == nil || o.MapMD5 == nil { var ret []float32 return ret } return o.MapMD5 } // GetMapMD5Ok returns a tuple with the MapMD5 field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetMapMD5Ok() ([]float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.MapMD5 == nil { return nil, false } return o.MapMD5, true } // HasMapMD5 returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasMapMD5() bool { if o != nil && o.MapMD5 != nil { return true } return false } // SetMapMD5 gets a reference to the given []float32 and assigns it to the MapMD5 field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetMapMD5(v []float32) { o.MapMD5 = v } // GetActNum returns the ActNum field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetActNum() float32 { if o == nil || o.ActNum == nil { var ret float32 return ret } return *o.ActNum } // GetActNumOk returns a tuple with the ActNum field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetActNumOk() (*float32, bool) { if o == nil || o.ActNum == nil { return nil, false } return o.ActNum, true } // HasActNum returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasActNum() bool { if o != nil && o.ActNum != nil { return true } return false } // SetActNum gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the ActNum field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetActNum(v float32) { o.ActNum = &v } // GetIsZone returns the IsZone field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetIsZone() bool { if o == nil || o.IsZone == nil { var ret bool return ret } return *o.IsZone } // GetIsZoneOk returns a tuple with the IsZone field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetIsZoneOk() (*bool, bool) { if o == nil || o.IsZone == nil { return nil, false } return o.IsZone, true } // HasIsZone returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasIsZone() bool { if o != nil && o.IsZone != nil { return true } return false } // SetIsZone gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the IsZone field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetIsZone(v bool) { o.IsZone = &v } // GetHttpSource returns the HttpSource field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetHttpSource() string { if o == nil || o.HttpSource == nil { var ret string return ret } return *o.HttpSource } // GetHttpSourceOk returns a tuple with the HttpSource field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetHttpSourceOk() (*string, bool) { if o == nil || o.HttpSource == nil { return nil, false } return o.HttpSource, true } // HasHttpSource returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasHttpSource() bool { if o != nil && o.HttpSource != nil { return true } return false } // SetHttpSource gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the HttpSource field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetHttpSource(v string) { o.HttpSource = &v } // GetFileNeeded returns the FileNeeded field value if set, zero value otherwise. func (o *ServerInfo) GetFileNeeded() []FileNeededInner { if o == nil || o.FileNeeded == nil { var ret []FileNeededInner return ret } return o.FileNeeded } // GetFileNeededOk returns a tuple with the FileNeeded field value if set, nil otherwise // and a boolean to check if the value has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) GetFileNeededOk() ([]FileNeededInner, bool) { if o == nil || o.FileNeeded == nil { return nil, false } return o.FileNeeded, true } // HasFileNeeded returns a boolean if a field has been set. func (o *ServerInfo) HasFileNeeded() bool { if o != nil && o.FileNeeded != nil { return true } return false } // SetFileNeeded gets a reference to the given []FileNeededInner and assigns it to the FileNeeded field. func (o *ServerInfo) SetFileNeeded(v []FileNeededInner) { o.FileNeeded = v } func (o ServerInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{} if o.PacketVersion != nil { toSerialize["PacketVersion"] = o.PacketVersion } if o.Application != nil { toSerialize["Application"] = o.Application } if o.Version != nil { toSerialize["Version"] = o.Version } if o.SubVersion != nil { toSerialize["SubVersion"] = o.SubVersion } if o.NumberOfPlayer != nil { toSerialize["NumberOfPlayer"] = o.NumberOfPlayer } if o.MaxPlayers != nil { toSerialize["MaxPlayers"] = o.MaxPlayers } if o.GameType != nil { toSerialize["GameType"] = o.GameType } if o.ModifiedGame != nil { toSerialize["ModifiedGame"] = o.ModifiedGame } if o.CheatsEnabled != nil { toSerialize["CheatsEnabled"] = o.CheatsEnabled } if o.KartVars != nil { toSerialize["KartVars"] = o.KartVars } if o.FileNeededNum != nil { toSerialize["FileNeededNum"] = o.FileNeededNum } if o.Time != nil { toSerialize["Time"] = o.Time } if o.LevelTime != nil { toSerialize["LevelTime"] = o.LevelTime } if o.ServerNameRaw != nil { toSerialize["ServerNameRaw"] = o.ServerNameRaw } if o.ServerName != nil { toSerialize["ServerName"] = o.ServerName } if o.MapName != nil { toSerialize["MapName"] = o.MapName } if o.MapTitle != nil { toSerialize["MapTitle"] = o.MapTitle } if o.MapMD5 != nil { toSerialize["MapMD5"] = o.MapMD5 } if o.ActNum != nil { toSerialize["ActNum"] = o.ActNum } if o.IsZone != nil { toSerialize["IsZone"] = o.IsZone } if o.HttpSource != nil { toSerialize["HttpSource"] = o.HttpSource } if o.FileNeeded != nil { toSerialize["FileNeeded"] = o.FileNeeded } return json.Marshal(toSerialize) } type NullableServerInfo struct { value *ServerInfo isSet bool } func (v NullableServerInfo) Get() *ServerInfo { return v.value } func (v *NullableServerInfo) Set(val *ServerInfo) { v.value = val v.isSet = true } func (v NullableServerInfo) IsSet() bool { return v.isSet } func (v *NullableServerInfo) Unset() { v.value = nil v.isSet = false } func NewNullableServerInfo(val *ServerInfo) *NullableServerInfo { return &NullableServerInfo{value: val, isSet: true} } func (v NullableServerInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(v.value) } func (v *NullableServerInfo) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error { v.isSet = true return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value) }