
Source file src/go.formulabun.club/srb2kart/network/packettype.go

Documentation: go.formulabun.club/srb2kart/network

     1  package network
     3  type packettype_t uint8
     4  // from d_clisrv.h
     5  const (
     6  	pt_nothing   packettype_t = iota // To send a nop through the network. ^_~
     7  	pt_servercfg              // Server config used in start game
     8  	// (must stay 1 for backwards compatibility).
     9  	// This is a positive response to a CLIENTJOIN request.
    10  	pt_clientcmd     // Ticcmd of the client.
    11  	pt_clientmis     // Same as above with but saying resend from.
    12  	pt_client2cmd    // 2 cmds in the packet for splitscreen.
    13  	pt_client2mis    // Same as above with but saying resend from
    14  	pt_nodekeepalive // Same but without ticcmd and consistancy
    15  	pt_nodekeepalivemis
    16  	pt_servertics   // All cmds for the tic.
    17  	pt_serverrefuse // Server refuses joiner (reason inside).
    18  	pt_servershutdown
    19  	pt_clientquit // Client closes the connection.
    21  	pt_askinfo      // Anyone can ask info of the server.
    22  	pt_serverinfo   // Send game & server info (gamespy).
    23  	pt_playerinfo   // Send information for players in game (gamespy).
    24  	pt_requestfile  // Client requests a file transfer
    25  	pt_askinfoviams // Packet from the MS requesting info be sent to new client.
    26  	// If this ID changes update masterserver definition.
    27  	pt_resynchend // Player is now resynched and is being requested to remake the gametic
    28  	pt_resynchget // Player got resynch packet
    30  	// Add non-PT_CANFAIL packet types here to avoid breaking MS compatibility.
    32  	// Kart-specific packets
    33  	pt_client3cmd // 3P
    34  	pt_client3mis
    35  	pt_client4cmd // 4P
    36  	pt_client4mis
    37  	pt_basickeepalive // Keep the network alive during wipes, as tics aren't advanced and NetUpdate isn't called
    39  	pt_canfail // This is kind of a priority. Anything bigger than CANFAIL
    40  	// allows HSendPacket(* true, *, *) to return false.
    41  	// In addition this packet can't occupy all the available slots.
    44  	pt_textcmd     // Extra text commands from the client.
    45  	pt_textcmd2    // Splitscreen text commands.
    46  	pt_textcmd3    // 3P
    47  	pt_textcmd4    // 4P
    48  	pt_clientjoin  // Client wants to join; used in start game.
    49  	pt_nodetimeout // Packet sent to self if the connection times out.
    50  	pt_resynching  // Packet sent to resync players.
    51  	// Blocks game advance until synched.
    53  	pt_tellfilesneeded // Client, to server: "what other files do I need starting from this number?"
    54  	pt_morefilesneeded // Server, to client: "you need these (+ more on top of those)"
    56  	pt_ping // packet sent to tell clients the other client's latency to server.
    57  	numpackettype
    58  )
    59  const pt_filefragment = pt_canfail // A part of a file.

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