/* * GoBun Replay File Info * * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) * * API version: 0.0.1 * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech) */ package openapi type CVarEntry struct { CVarId int32 `json:"CVarId,omitempty"` Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` } // AssertCVarEntryRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed func AssertCVarEntryRequired(obj CVarEntry) error { return nil } // AssertRecurseCVarEntryRequired recursively checks if required fields are not zero-ed in a nested slice. // Accepts only nested slice of CVarEntry (e.g. [][]CVarEntry), otherwise ErrTypeAssertionError is thrown. func AssertRecurseCVarEntryRequired(objSlice interface{}) error { return AssertRecurseInterfaceRequired(objSlice, func(obj interface{}) error { aCVarEntry, ok := obj.(CVarEntry) if !ok { return ErrTypeAssertionError } return AssertCVarEntryRequired(aCVarEntry) }) }