
Package testutil

import "github.com/yuin/goldmark/testutil"

Overview ▾

func DiffPretty

func DiffPretty(v1, v2 []byte) []byte

DiffPretty returns pretty formatted diff between given bytes.

func DoTestCase

func DoTestCase(m goldmark.Markdown, testCase MarkdownTestCase, t TestingT, opts ...parser.ParseOption)

DoTestCase runs a test case.

func DoTestCaseFile

func DoTestCaseFile(m goldmark.Markdown, filename string, t TestingT, no ...int)

DoTestCaseFile runs test cases in a given file.

func DoTestCases

func DoTestCases(m goldmark.Markdown, cases []MarkdownTestCase, t TestingT, opts ...parser.ParseOption)

DoTestCases runs a set of test cases.

func ParseCliCaseArg

func ParseCliCaseArg() []int

ParseCliCaseArg parses -case command line args.

type MarkdownTestCase

MarkdownTestCase represents a test case.

type MarkdownTestCase struct {
    No          int
    Description string
    Options     MarkdownTestCaseOptions
    Markdown    string
    Expected    string

type MarkdownTestCaseOptions

MarkdownTestCaseOptions represents options for each test case.

type MarkdownTestCaseOptions struct {
    EnableEscape bool
    Trim         bool

type TestingT

TestingT is a subset of the functionality provided by testing.T.

type TestingT interface {
    Logf(string, ...interface{})
    Skipf(string, ...interface{})
    Errorf(string, ...interface{})